By this project I can find out the health status of high school section in my shool.

I can find the 40 % of high school section students have the NORMAL WIEGHT according to their BMI.

53 % of students included in the category UNDER WEIGHT.They have to improve their health status.

And 7 % of students included in the category OVER WEIGHT.

I find out that no stuents included in the category OBESITY.

I find that 92% of students,they doesn't know about BMI.

I find that only 35% of the students have the habit of exercise.

I find that 50% of the students like homely food.

I find that most of the students doesn't know the the side effects of fast food.

I find that in our school no students like to walk but some of the students are coming to school by walking they are included in the catogery NORMAL.
